Illamasqua already holds the coveted spot of my favorite blush products; their texture and pigmentation made me a huge fan and their intense lip glosses have long been on my "want" list. In fact, every product I have purchased from them (hello nail polish) has completely exceeded my expectations.
Another thing I can always count on from them is to inspire my creativity and remind me how makeup can push the boundaries of artistic imagery. Their two latest collection promo pictures, Toxic Nature and Throb, are a perfect examples of that.
When I saw these, I actually said "WOW" out loud. Not only am I baffled by how they come up with these images, but the application is so perfectly precise without being short, I'm stunned. Here ya go, take a gander....
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection for Spring/Summer 2011

Illamasqua Throb Collection
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